Horse Betting Info

Horse Betting Tips

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Horse Betting FAQs

Is There Such a Thing as a Risk Free Horse Racing Betting System?

In the world of horse racing so many people place their bets and simply hope for the best. There is potentially a serious amount of money to be made and everybody wants a piece of it. However, whilst some people believe that it is just luck that wins them money, others believe that it is down to a horse racing betting system. What is a Betting System for Horse Racing? A betting system for horse racing is basically something which you usually have to pay for and […]

Is Race Horse Betting on the Internet Worth It?

Placing a horse race bet online is one of the most popular ways in which people bet these days. This is because race horse betting on the internet is by far the most convenient way to bet in this day and age. After all, who wants to stand around waiting in line, rushing to get their bet in when they could easily just sit back and place a horse race bet online? Why Race Horse betting on the Internet is Worthwhile Race horse betting on the Internet […]

Horse Racing Betting System – Designing A Simple System

Putting together a system is not as difficult as it may sound, even for a beginner. The important thing, and with any betting, is that you write down every rule and follow it for at least 100 bets. You do not need to trade real money, paper trading is best at first. If after 100 bets it is in profit, you can then give it a betting bank and start gambling. Starting an untested system with real money, and packing it in on its first losing run, […]

Horse Racing Betting Odds – Is It Worth The Risk?

Do the maths make sense before you place your horse racing bet? This is one of the first questions you should ask yourself before considering putting down your stake money. Does the horse racing pick provide VALUE? What we mean by this is – the odds offered by a bookmaker are never the “true” odds or probabilities of a horse winning. Who knows exactly what those figures should be? The figures in the odds are more indicative of what the market as a whole (all the punters […]